Services Offered
New Homes Painting & Decorating
Need a quote for interior walls?
Don’t settle for a scribbled price on the back of a business card!
Email us your house plans to and we will promptly return a written fixed price quote, detailing our professional painting methods and quality materials used.
We ensure all cabinets, bench tops, tiling and other fixtures have been carefully protected before we begin the three coat painting system which includes an oil based sealer and two coats of premium Dulux wash and wear paint.
Interior walls are a major visual aspect of your home, and blending them in with the overall interior design is important, therefore we provide a free colour consultation to ensure the interior painting compliments the rest of your home.
Our friendly service, reliability and high attention to detail has resulted in a very high referral rate to friends and family from our happy clients.
Get in touch with Brett for a no obligation, FREE quote today on
0421 703 737
Residential Painting
Painting the exterior of your property is not only important to maintain for a pleasant street appeal, but also to protect your most valuable asset from corrosion and weathering from our harsh West Australian climate. Most important when considering an exterior painter is to be assured correct surface preparation is undertaken and the use of only premium exterior paints and primers are used to maximise the life of the painting.
There is no better advertisement for our business than a quality exterior painting job in full view, and you can look at some repainted local homes in our gallery.
Interior repaints provide us a great deal of job satisfaction in transforming tired and out of date living areas into bright, fresh and modern looking spaces.
Whether you need a single bedroom or a full home makeover, we will take the utmost care covering furniture and flooring, while using correct preparation and undercoating methods and finishing with only premium quality washable paints.
We appreciate the trust you have placed in our business to carry out painting works inside your home, which is why we conduct ourselves in a quiet and courteous manner, respecting your privacy and working in a clean, tidy and efficient way to complete your job with a minimum of fuss.
Commercial Painter
We understand our commercial clients have different requirements and time constraints to our residential clients, depending on the nature of the business.
Our priority will be to minimize disruption of the day to day running of your business, including offering flexible working hours that best suit your needs, to guarantee your project is completed in your required timeframe.
Whether you are a small retail shop or larger industrial unit, or require interior or exterior painting, we can guarantee to deliver a quality finish to enhance your business for years to come.
We also service Insurance and real estate management companies
Need help choosing colours?
Free Colour Consultations
We appreciate the importance of selecting the right colours to achieve the look you are after, which is why we offer a free colour consultation with every accepted quote.
Let our experience and vast knowledge of the colour range, guide you in deciding on a colour scheme that will best suit your personal tastes and compliment your home or business.
Whether it is a contemporary, classic or modern look you are after we will advise on different colour tones and shades, feature walls and consider your interior or exterior design to help achieve your desired result.